Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What a wonderful event in my life :)

In December 19, 2011, our family decided to have a family reunion as well as a vacation in our hometown, which is Jose Abad Santos, Davao del Sur. When I heard about this thing, my heart was filled with excitement and was confused. Confused? Yes, as in C-O-N-F-U-S-E-D. I was confused if I will join to them because I was traumatized when I was a child. I'm afraid if that will happen again.

But, I believe in the saying that I should face my fear. Funny but it's true! Atlast I came up to my final decision, and I should be there! 

We departed from our house almost 1:00 AM, my eyes were so stressed but I'm going to force them to open widely. The weather was cold and the place was dark. As we were travelling, my mind was preoccupied. I kept on thinking what was the new face of my origin, what was in Jose Abad Santos that made me feel so excited and lastly how do the people there communicates each other.

We stopped at Malita to have a breakfast or to have a pee. I told myself to be brave this time because my fear starts here. My fear of their road. The place and the road was strange. What I did is that, I leaned to my sister's shoulder to have a sleep so that I will forget my traumatic experience. When the light of the shining sun touches my precious skin, I immediately woke up and noticing the place, turning my head left and right, and there I found the banner which says "WELCOME TO JOSE ABAD SANTOS".

I can't figure out the happiness when I saw it. I just kept on saying "This is it!, This is it!" and mixed with my killer smile. I so loved there place, the place was clean and well-organized, yet it was like a small village but for me Jose Abad Santos was a magnificent place.

What I missed in that place is that when we have a vacant time, me with my sister and tita will plan to have a swimming in the beach or will have a mini-picnik. As I am facing the wonderful view and hearing the sweet sound of waves, the chirping of birds, the whispering of the nature, I thanked God for His awesomeness and gratefulness, that He alone made all these striking creatures. I also told God all my desires and my plans in life, I prayed to Him to have a wisdom and to have guidance from Him. By that, I expressed all my heartaches, problems and even my happiness in life.

In that vacation, it was one of the highlights of my 2011 year. It was memorable, amazing and fulfilling. Everyday, I kept on telling myself it was just A SUPERB PLACE :)